Sun Belt Suspends Spring Sports Indefinitely
You know those plans you had to be at Russo Park or Lamson Park this weekend?
Never mind.
The Sun Belt Conference is following in the footsteps of other conferences by suspending spring sports indefinitely.
In addition to baseball and softball, track and field, tennis and golf are also affected.
Louisiana Athletics Director Bryan Maggard said:
"Consistent with decisions made at the national level regarding men's and women's conference basketball tournaments, the Sun Belt Conference will suspend spring sport competition indefinitely. This action is being taken to continue the mitigation of the spread of COVID-19, keeping the health and safety of our student-athletes, coaches, staff and fans our highest priority. As additional information becomes available, we will communicate it at that time. This will also include information on tickets that have already been purchased in advance for upcoming events. We greatly appreciate the support and understanding of Cajun Nation during this time and look forward to a positive outcome very soon."
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