As cold temperatures approach Louisiana, we give thanks that we aren't exposed to the extreme drop that is experienced by our neighbors to the north. Although we don't often go below zero degrees Farenheit, we will fall below freezing which can cause problems with vehicles. We won't need an engine block heater, but there are some other items to keep in mind as the freezing conditions head our way thanks to an arctic blast. From batteries to tires, windshield wipers and fuel lines, there are quite a few things that need attention on your vehicle, according to AutoZone.

1. Battery - the cold temperatures can keep your battery from holding a strong enough charge to start your vehicle. It's a good idea to get your battery tested, especially if it's been a while since you got the battery. You can also get a battery blanket to keep your bundle of energy warmer during the cold snap.

2. WIndshield Wipers - Nothing is more frustrating than starting your vehicle only to have your wipers frozen to the windshield. There are a few options to prevent this from happening. One way is to lift your wipers off the windshield which will keep them from freezing to the windshield. Another option is a hack that involves cutting a pool noodle and placing your wiper blades in the middle.

3. Tires - Now we may not need tire chains but maintaining proper air pressure is vital, especially as cold temperatures reduce the pressure in your tires. According to Consumer Reports, maintaining your vehicle's recommended tire pressure is key to staying safe on the road, despite others recommending you lower the tire pressure.

4. Emergency Kit - You never know when something will happen with your vehicle, and when it's cold outside, the situation can become dangerous quickly. In order to avoid being caught out on the road with a disabled vehicle, it's important to have an emergency kit in the trunk. Here are some recommended items to have in the kit:

  1. Blanket
  2. Flashlight
  3. Jumper Cables
  4. First Aid Kit
  5. Basic Tool Kit
  6. Cell Phone Charger or Power Bank
  7. Warning Device Like a Flare or Reflective Triangle
  8. Warm Clothing

5. Fluid Levels - Your vehicle has more fluids that need to be addressed than just the antifreeze in the radiator. From windshield wiper fluid to brake fluids, transmission fluids and even the gas tank, they should all be optimally filled to make sure you stay rolling in the cold. AutoZone recommends that you keep your gas tank at least half-full to avoid fuel lines freezing.

As always, stay safe out on the road, and be prepared as weather extremes can be dangerous and sometime unexpected. And for a few more handy tips regarding your vehicle and cold weather, check out this list:

Never Leave These Items In A Cold Car

Gallery Credit: BJ/Getty Images

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