Let the Lafayette Pizza Wars Begin
So it all started New Years Day night. I had a craving for something to eat, but not much is open. I’ll order a pizza. On my way to pick it up, I knew it was a mistake. I’m trying to lose weight and just didn’t need it. Regardless of that, I’ll enjoy it for a couple of days and that’ll be that.
When I showed up, they hadn’t even started making it yet. Which as far as I was concerned was a good thing. They thought I would be upset, instead, I just got a refund. All good.
When I told the story on the radio the next day, I was criticized for going to a national chain pizza place. Fair enough, but where I lived in Mobile, AL was surrounded by Pizza Hut, Dominos, Hungry Howies and Little Caesars. All less than a mile from my place. Also, in my defense, I don’t think local pizza places were open. Remember, it was New Years Day Night.
That’s when I decided I would buy pizza once a week from a local business, bring it into the station for lunch and rate said pizza.
We have plenty of local pizza joints in Lafayette.
Central Pizza
Pizza Village
The Tap Room (flat bread)
Pizza Artista
If I’m missing some, let me know.
First up was DeanO's. Mostly because it’s between where I live and the commute to work. I was a big DeanO's fan when I lived here from 2013-19. The pizza I ordered wasn’t the biggest, but loaded with toppings. I got pepperoni and beef on the top. I also order pizza well done. I prefer it a little crispy compared to doughy.
And it was just like I remembered. I like the small pieces because I’ll be full after just 2 or 3. I even offered some to Joe Cunningham from KPEL-FM and my producer Lynden. Both politely declined. So more for me, but I ended up eating the entire pie.
I’ll order one every Wednesday and I’ll post the reviews every week.
Let the Lafayette pizza wars begin.