Report: Sharper Codefendent Implicates Reggie Bush For Spiking Drinks
A co-defendent of former Saints safety Darren Sharper who has been charged with Sharper for drugging women's drinks in order to rape them told investigators that former Saints running back and current Detroit Lion Reggie Bush spiked women's drinks with ecstasy, this according to a report from The Advocate.
Former St. Bernard Parish sheriff's deputy Brandon Licciardi, the co-defendent in the Sharper case, reportedly told investigators he witnessed Bush put molly in women's champagne glasses at a nightclub in Las Vegas. Molly is a commonly used slang term for ecstasy.
When asked again in court about his accusations regarding Bush, Licciardi backtracked on his statement. After telling investigators he saw Bush spike the drinks, he told the court that he never witnessed Bush drop molly in drinks, but claimed Bush told him he was handing it to party goers.
Bush's lawyer, Shawn Holley, gave a strong statement to Dave Birkett of the Detroit Free Press regarding The Advocate's story about Bush.
“This is outrageous. I can say to you on the record that Reggie adamantly, vehemently and unequivocally denies all of the statements in that article. We are demanding a retraction from the Advocate and Reggie is considering taking legal action.”
“There is no investigation, there’s never been any complaint made by any person of this happening. It appears to be something that’s being stated by someone who is a criminal defendant in a serious case and looking for anything he can say to deflect from his own troubles. But there is not a shred of truth to any of this.”
The only scenario in which The Advocate would be required to retract the story is if Licciardi never actually made the statements the article quotes him as saying.
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