New Orleans area bar owners and restaurateurs are making it known that NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell is not welcome in their establishments.

Kathy Anderson has a Roger Goodell dart board in her bar, The Parkview Tavern. Anderson said, “I give it two weeks until it's just tattered again. [There’s an] entire season of anger and frustration built up, and so if he walked in the door, all of that would just be dumped on him immediately,”

Bars and restaurants are posting signs with Goodell’s picture and the words, "Do not serve this man."

Ben Sherman, co-owner of Midway Pizza on Freret Street says, “He can't drink here because we don't serve babies. We have a highchair for him if he does want to come in.”

Creole Creamery has instructed its employees not to serve Goodell under any circumstances.

“We've been joking that he has to have a professional taster around to make sure that nothing's poisonous.”    -  Rachel Holton, Creole Creamery

Mayor Mitch Landrieu is urging locals to remember that Goodell has helped New Orleans in the past. There's also the question of future Super Bowls. New Orleans has hosted more Super Bowls than any other city.

“It is really important for everybody in the city to do what we do and be gracious and wonderful hosts and show people the kind of hospitality that they deserve cause that’s what we do well and this extends to Roger Goodell too.” - Mitch Landrieu.

New Orleans is world famous for its hospitality, but I don't think the "Commish" will get a warm welcome from Who 'Dat Nation.


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