Billions of Mosquito-Like Insects Invade New Orleans
And, you thought love bugs were bad.
In New Orleans, residents are dealing with swarms of mosquito-like insects, called midges, that have invaded by the billions.
The good news is, they don't bite and they are actually good for the environment. But they will wind up all over your cars and, when they hit your windshield, they can make visibility almost impossible.
The Advocate reports the midges are most prevalent near Lake Pontchartrain. Since May 10th Mississippi River water has been diverted to the lake to ease the strain on the levees in the New Orleans area. That makes the lake less brackish and makes it a perfect breeding area for these fresh water loving insects.
Oh, and they stink.
The smell is somewhat like aquatic fish food. And, that can make for a smelly proposition if they get into buildings through cracks and die in droves.
They are showing up the most near the lake's south shore, in New Orleans and also in Jefferson Parish.
The larvae serve as fish food and the insects themselves are fodder for birds.
Some motorists making the drive on the causeway have reported the bugs have made it almost impossible for them to see. One man reported using all of his washer fluid and had to stop and get assistance before he could complete the trek.