Charlie Sheen Suits Up As ‘Major League’s’ Ricky Vaughn to Support Indians in World Series
"Wild Thing" is back.
Charlie Sheen got dressed as his infamous Major League character, Ricky "Wild Thing" Vaughn, in a tweet showing his support for the Indians in the World Series versus the equally upstart Cubs.
This is fantastic because Sheen, a well-known baseball fan, is revisiting one of his most popular roles. Does he happen to have that jersey in his home? It's just the latest question in a long list of them that exist for Sheen.
Sheen tells the Hollywood Reporter wanted to throw out the first pitch before Game One of the World Series, an honor that ultimately went to former Indians great Kenny Lofton.
"I had this crazy fantasy that they would play that ["Wild Thing" by The Troggs] song, the bullpen door would open, and I would do that long walk, which I think would have put that place on its freaking ear," says Sheen. "It kind of felt like Major League Baseball let its fans down — and that's not a shot at Lofton or anybody."
Meanwhile, we may see Ricky Vaughn again because Sheen says there is talk of another Major League to help get rid of the aftertaste of the poorly-received sequels. "We have been trying to get it done for a few years," he says. "There have been some hang-ups with the rights."