The Lakers Dysfunction Caught on Camera & Lebron James is Annoyed (Video)
The NBA season is well underway and there have been many surprises. But none more interesting than the Lakers' dysfunction and collapse. Lebron James has been playing lights out for someone who is 38 years old. However with Anthony Davis constantly being injured, the lack of shooting, and just a weird combination of players, the Lakers are in trouble. And nothing showed this dysfunction better than this recent video inside the Lakers locker room.
Some have said this video doesn't mean anything. However, the look on Lebron's face says everything. He is trying to convey a message to the team that it's time to start stacking wins only for Westbrook to interrupt him with nonsense. This is a perfect example of how these guys just don't fit together. Why would Westbrook choose that moment to interject? It wasn't the right time for that and it just shows why these guys don't work together.
Social media had a lot of fun with this video. Some thought it was nothing; however, some thought it was everything.
Social Media Reacts To Lakers Dysfunction
I can't blame Lebron James for being frustrated with this team. He is 38 years old and wasting another year of greatness. I would not be surprised if Lebron winds up asking for a trade in the offseason. It just hasn't worked after the championship. He can leave knowing he gave the Lakers everything he had.