"American Idol" is gearing up for yet another season as they search for the next singing superstar. And if you live in Louisiana, your chance to shine is coming soon.

Of course, it all starts with the first round of auditions. For the fifth year in a row, the show's producers will hold "Idol Across America," which are live virtual nationwide auditions in all 50 states plus Washington, D.C.

Hopefuls can sign up to audition face-to-face in front of producers and receive real-time feedback for a chance to make "Idol" history and be crowned the next "American Idol."


How do you sign up for a virtual audition?

Simply go to www.americanidol.com/auditions for more information including specific audition details, locations, full eligibility requirements, submission forms, and more.

You must be at least 15 years old to audition. Virtual auditions for Louisiana residents will be held on Monday, August 12, 2024.

READ MORE: Carrie Underwood Reportedly Joining 'American Idol'

Auditions will be conducted over custom-built Zoom technology.

(Keep in mind that you can also send in a full audition online 24/7 at any time.)

American Idol Audition Dates

All you need to know about "American Idol" auditions

To find out general audition information and see frequently asked questions, visit this website.

Good luck! And make sure you let us know if you make it through the first round.

Country 'American Idol' Stars Who Disappeared

We cheered for them. We voted for them. We followed them. Then, these seven American Idol stars vanished. Or, at least it seems like it.

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