Every day, mail carriers deliver letters and packages to our homes, facing many challenges along the way. One of the most serious dangers they encounter is aggressive dogs. Dog bites and attacks have become one of the biggest threats to Postal Service employees, both across the country and right here in Texas.

Row of roadside mailboxes
Getty Images

The numbers are staggering. So far this year, more than 4,200 Postal Service workers across the United States have been bitten or attacked by dogs. Last year, the total number of incidents was nearly 5,000. Locally, in the Twin Cities Metro area, 32 mail carriers have been bitten by dogs this year, up from 19 last year. This is a clear indication that the problem is not only ongoing but growing.

To help address this issue, the United States Postal Service (USPS) has introduced a new program called the Dog Paw Program. This program is designed to raise awareness about the dangers dogs pose to mail carriers and to help protect them as they go about their work.

Chris Leipelt via Unsplash.com
Chris Leipelt via Unsplash.com

The Dog Paw Program is simple but effective. USPS uses bright orange and yellow paw print stickers to alert mail carriers to the presence of dogs. An orange sticker on a mailbox means there is a dog at that home, while a yellow sticker means there is a dog at the next house. This gives the carrier a heads-up to be cautious as they approach the mailbox.

But the program isn't just about the stickers. If you receive a paw print sticker on your mailbox, you'll also get a postcard explaining the program. This is part of an effort to spread awareness and encourage everyone to help keep mail carriers safe.

Canva USPS
Canva USPS

The program has already been successful in other parts of the country. When used along with local alerts and written notifications, the stickers have helped reduce the number of dog attacks on mail carriers. It's a simple way that communities can come together to protect those who serve us.

So, if you find a colorful paw print sticker on your mailbox in Texas, leave it there. It's more than just a sticker—it's a sign that our community is working together to keep our mail carriers safe. And that's something we can all be proud of.

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